Illustration & Visual Narrative (Project 3: Webtoon & Motion Comic)


5/11/2021 - 3/12/2021 (Week 10-14)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Illustration & Visual Narrative (Minor)
Project 3: Decisive Moment


(no more lecture from week 9 onwards)

Click here for lecture week 1-5
Click here for lecture week 7-9



Project Timeline

Firstly, I come up with a storyline with the 3-act-structure. Then, I drew some sketches based on my story on my iPad. After that, I digitalized it on Adobe Illustrator on my computer without putting any words. From there on, I put on colour using only Black and White and add on words to my comic. Last but not least, I import them into Adobe After Effect to animate them into motion comic and put on soundtrack using Adobe Premiere Pro. After everything is done, I upload my comic into Webtoon and my motion comic to YouTube.


Act 1 – Setup

One day, a boy went home in a good mood after school. He opened his house door and realized his parents’ shoe is there. He yelled into the direction of the house “Mum! Dad! I’m home!”. Sadly, he did not get any response. Then, he started to search for his parents in the house.

Act 2 – Conflict

He found his parents at the kitchen. Dad and Mum were preparing food. They told the boy that his meal will be ready after his shower. He had a weird feeling as his parents were acting strange, but he couldn’t tell what’s that. He had a glimpse on the area where his mum prepare the food and he saw a broken arm beside a knife. He didn’t think much as he thought he saw wrongly. He didn’t say anything and started to walk back to his room.

Act 3 – Resolution

While walking back to his room, he passed by a door. He saw some blood on the floor in front of the door. He opened the door that leaded him to the basement. He was more shocked. He saw blood all over the floor, flowing towards the door. As he lifted his head up, he saw 2 body hanging. He realized that the body hung there were his parents. When he spotted that one of body had a broken arm, he recalled back that the kitchen had a broken arm too. He was confused as he just saw his parents in the kitchen. Then he heard his “parents” calling him that his meal is ready. As he turned his head to the direction of the door, he saw his “parents”, but with the demon face, holding knife on their hands.



Digitalized (Coloured)



Click here to see it on Webtoon


Click here to see it on YouTube


Although my drawing is simple, but the hues are good and the story flow is able is be read and follow.

Motion Comic:
Good editing work, simple enough. The soundtrack is good and it fits with the animation.

