Illustration & Visual Narrative (Project 2: Decisive Moment)

1/10/2021 - 29/10/2021 (Week 6-9)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Illustration & Visual Narrative (Minor)
Project 2: Decisive Moment


Week 6

(recap of week 1-5's lecture)
click here to see week 1-5's lecture recap

Week 7

Storytelling Basics

  • Central Theme
    • The theme is what the story is really about. It’s the main idea or underlying meaning. Often, it’s the storyteller’s personal opinion on the subject matter. A story may have both a major theme and minor themes. 
    • Major Theme: An idea that is intertwined and repeated throughout the whole narrative. 
    • Minor Theme: An idea that appears more subtly, and doesn’t necessarily repeat. 
  • Conflict
    • The conflict is what drives the story. It’s what creates tension and builds suspense, which are the elements that make a story interesting. 
    • If there’s no conflict, not only will the audience not care, but there also won’t be any compelling story to tell. 
    • Conflict is what engages an audience. It’s what keeps them white-knuckled, at the edge of their seats, waiting impatiently to see if the protagonists will overcome their obstacle. 
  • Characters
    • A story usually includes a number of characters, each with a different role or purpose. Regardless of how many characters a story has, however, there is almost always a protagonist and antagonist.
      1. Central Characters:
        These characters are vital to the development of the story. The plot revolves around them.
      2. Protagonist:
        The protagonist is the main character of a story. He or she has a clear goal to accomplish or a conflict to overcome. Although protagonists don’t always need to be admirable, they must command an emotional involvement from the audience.
      3. Antagonist:
        Antagonists oppose protagonists, standing between them and their ultimate goals. The antagonist can be presented in the form of any person, place, thing, or situation that represents a tremendous obstacle to the protagonist.
  • 3-Acts Structure
    1. Setup:
      The world in which the protagonist exists prior to the journey. The setup usually ends with the conflict being revealed.
    2. Rising Tension:
      The series of obstacles the protagonist must overcome. Each obstacle is usually more difficult and with higher stakes than the previous one. 
    3. Conflict:
      The point of highest tension, and the major decisive turning point for the protagonist.
    • Resolution:
      The conflict’s conclusion. This is where the protagonist finally overcomes the conflict, learns to accept it, or is ultimately defeated by it. Regardless, this is where the journey ends. 

Figure 7.1: 3-Acts Structure

Figure 7.2: Short Narrative Exercise

Figure 7.3: Short Narrative Example 1

Figure 7.4: Short Narrative Example 2

Week 8

How to make comics?

  • How to create comics?
    • an undying passion to tell a story through pictures
    • everything starts with an idea
  • Where do ideas come from?
    • ideas come from experiences (what inspires you)
    • good ideas never came from browsing google aimlessly
  • How do you get your ideas?
    • brainstorming
      • what's cool?
      • what do I look like?
    • mind mapping
  • The more you stress on finding ideas, the more it will stray you
  • Art is a form of communication

Week 9

(no more lecture from week 9 onwards)



In this task, I am required to choose a decisive moment from any movie that is memorable to me. Then, I will need to create a minimalist poster and also a GIF from it. 

The movie that straight comes to my mind is The Conjuring 2. I am actually a ghost movie lover but at the same time, I am afraid of ghost. All those scary will be in my mind for quite a long time. The Conjuring 2 is one of the movie that is memorable to me. I can still remember most of the scene in details. 

The most memorable scene I can remember is that all the cross getting inverted in the room. 

Figure 1.1: The Conjuring 2 Scene from Google

I did a rough sketch based on the image of the scene from the internet and wait for Miss's approval in class.

Figure 1.2: Sketch

Miss said this can be approved, I can move on with the design. She suggested me to change the perspective on the design. 

Figure 1.3: The Conjuring 2 Attempt 1

I find the colour for this design is not dark enough to show the scary feeling of the scene, therefore I decided to add on a dark gradient on the design.

Figure 1.4: The Conjuring 2 Attempt 2

Although this design is much more better with the lighting and contrast, yet the cross seems like a 2D sticker on the wall, therefore I wanted to add on the drop shadow on the cross to make it 3D. From class consultation, Miss also suggested me to make my move title smaller and reminded me to add on the logline of the movie.

Figure 1.5: The Conjuring 2 Final Work

After all the feedback from Miss, I managed to finalize my design of the minimalist poster. Then, I started to work on the GIF from the poster.

Figure 1.6: The Conjuring 2 GIF

I did not meet much difficulties for my GIF. Therefore, I managed to finish it in one attempt.


Week 6

Miss Anis think I should work more on the drop shadow and lighting to strengthen the scary feeling in the design.

Week 7

Miss Anis suggested me to make the title smaller and place it in the middle bottom part, then add on the logline of the movie.

Week 8

Miss Anis approve my design for final submission. Then, she gave me some ideas on my story for my Task 3: Graphic Novel.


I never thought that I could make a GIF out of Adobe Photoshop but this task told me I could. Furthermore, I learnt on how to do a minimalist poster of a movie without leaking any crucial storyline of the story. Other than that, I love this project and I love the work I had done. I am really satisfied with the final work of this task.
