Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 13-14)


15/11/2021 - 22/11/2021 (Week 13-14)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)
Project 4: Self-Titled


(no more lecture for week 13 & 14)


(no more tutorial for week 13 & 14, we will be working on project 4's final submission)


In this blog, I will be explaining my Project 4: Self-Titled. In this project, we will be doing an exploration project for the students to express our own individuality and reflect our personality into digital art self-expression. 

While working on my idea development, I wrote a biography about myself and a statement of my work so that I will have a clearer direction on what I wanted to design.

Figure 13.1: Biography of Myself

Figure 13.2: Statement of My Work

After finishing my idea development, I drew sketches on what's in my mind. My work will be blending myself with the nature. Then, I tried to digitalize my poster based on my sketch #1.

Figure 13.3: Sketches

Digital Poster

In digitalizing my poster, I went to Taylor's Studio to shoot a photo of myself with green screen, then I get some image from the internet.

Figure 13.4: Photo of Myself

Figure 13.5: Bushes

Figure 13.6: Digital Poster for Sketch #1

After finishing digitalizing my sketch #1, I feel that I am not satisfied with the work as it is not what I expected. Therefore, I tried to digitalize my sketch #2. I used the same photo of myself (figure 13.4) and blended in with a pine tree forest.

Figure 13.7: Pine Tree Forest

Figure 13.8: Digital Poster for Sketch #2 (Attempt 1)

Then, I added some birds on top of the forest so that it doesn't look empty and the poster will look more alive.

Figure 13.9: Bird Image 1

Figure 13.10: Bird Image 2

Figure 13.11: Digital Poster for Sketch #2 (Attempt 2)

After receiving feedback from Mr. Fauzi, he suggested me to add a bubble like thing to create the border of the forest. Therefore, I made amendment based on the feedback I received.

Figure 13.12: Bubble Image

Figure 13.13: Digital Poster for Sketch #2 (Finalized)

Artist Statement: 

I did a nature-styled surrealism poster using double exposure technique. This poster is created to bring out my ideas which is “Back to Nature”. Firstly, I used a image of myself smiling to show the happy and cheerful side of me. Then, I used double exposed it with a pine tree forest. After that, I add on the birds above the trees. The tree is to indicate the nature and the birds is to show my desire of freedom. The bubble shows the border of the forest, which is also the shape of my head. The colour used for this design is mainly green and nature is mainly in green.

Before civilization, there’s only nature. We start from nature, when we die, we are going back to nature. Therefore, the message I am bringing out is that we must never forget who we are and  the beauty of nature. We should protect it with all cost.

Loop Animation

After finishing and finalizing my digital poster for Project 4, I did a loop animation on the poster by making the birds flying and adding background music to it.


Mr. Fauzi suggested me to make a border for the forest so that the bird wouldn't be cut off halfway.
