Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 4)

13/09/2021 (Week 4)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)
Project 1B: Collage Exercise 2 - Digital


Introduction to Photoshop

  • Adjustment Layer

    Figure 4.1: Adjustment Layer

    • Adjustment Layers in Photoshop are a group of a super useful, non-destructive image editing tools that add color and tonal adjustments to your image without permanently changing its pixels. 

    • With the adjustment layers, you can edit and discard your adjustments or restore your original image at any time. This will make your workflow in Photoshop more flexible and efficient, and is an absolute must-know.

    • When you add an adjustment layer to your image, a new layer will appear over your image and a Properties panel specific to the type of adjustment you’ve selected will pop up. The Properties panel will allow you to modify your adjustment layer, which in turn will modify your image.

    • There are 5 common blending options you can use to edit the photos:

      1. Brightness / Contrast
        makes adjustments to the tonal range of your image.

        Figure 4.2: Brightness / Contrast

      2. Level
        modify the tonal values in an image by adjusting the levels of the shadows, midtones, and highlights.

        Figure 4.3: Level

      3. Curves
        let you adjust as many points as you want throughout the entire tonal range of your image.

        Figure 4.4: Curves

      4. Exposure
        let you adjust exposure levels with three sliders: Exposure, Offset and Gamma. 

        Figure 4.5: Exposure

      5. Selective color
        selectively modifies the amount of a primary color without modifying the other primary colors in your image.

        Figure 4.6: Selective Color

  • Filters

    • Using filters to edit photos is an essential element of Adobe’s graphics editor.
    • There are filters to change colour, add blur or create completely new image effects. Photoshop offers a virtually unlimited variety of filters for this purpose.


We were shown by Mr. Fauzi on how to edit the photos using brightness/contrast, level, curves, exposure and selective colour by using putting on adjustment layer and blending options. Then, we will need to pick the best composition we had from week 3's work and edit it into a better piece using what we had learnt.


The composition which Mr. Fauzi chose for me, and I liked it a lot is called Evolution.

Figure 4.7: Evolution (from Week 3's Work)

I will be editing this digital collage using the blending option that I had learnt in Week 4 and make it into a piece of my own style.

Final Work:

Figure 4.8: Final Work 

In this design, I played with vibrance, color fill, brightness/contrast, levels, curves, gradient fill & exposure. Instead of putting the effect on the whole pieces, I did the editing specifically on each collage by creating a clipping mask on it. I wanted to make the contrast stronger and make the collage warmer. Although it took me some time, but it’s worth it.


Mr. Fauzi:

This is a good series of work! Good job Li Wei!
That's a good practice. You may choose the WEEK 4 exercise for your PROJECT 1: Digital Collage later in Week 5. Thanks!
