Design Principles (Week 5)

21/09/2021 (Week 5)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Design Principles (Minor)
Exercise 3 (Symbol/Word & Image)



  • A sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else.
  • In design, symbols can provide or convey information, equivalent to one or more sentences of text, or even a whole story.
  • Figurative Representations
    • Visuals
    • Graphic symbols
      1. Pictorial symbols
        • image-related and simplified pictures. 

          Figure 5.1: Pictorial symbols showing farmer tools

          Figure 5.2: Pictorial symbols showing life cycle of a sunflower

      2. Abstract symbols
        • can look like the objects that they represent but have less details.

          Figure 5.3: Abstract symbols showing meaning behind Hyundai logo

          Figure 5.4: Abstract symbols showing the meaning behind Beats logo

      3. Arbitrary symbols
        • have no resemblance at all to the objects or the ideas they represent.
        • is invented with the meaning constructed.
        • many are based on geometric shapes and colours. 
        • we have to learn arbitrary symbols.

          Figure 5.5: Arbitrary symbols example 1

          Figure 5.6: Arbitrary symbols example 2

Word & Image

  • Imagery is a vital part of design, be it print or digital. Users and viewers are able to relate to a concept or a brand if the right images are used in a work of design. It is therefore important to use suitable and relevant images when designing.
  • Choosing the right words to pair with the imagery is of high importance as it would deepen the meaning of the design. Suitable typeface and strategic positioning of the type will result in visual hierarchy and balance in a work of design.
  • Typography is the design and arrangement of text to convey a message or concept.

Figure 5.7: Word & Image example 1

Figure 5.8: Word & Image example 2



For Exercise 3, I chose to challenge myself by trying to design on symbols and word & image.


I have a team in gaming and we name it Team Laze, so I decide to make the logo using the word L and Z. For our logo, I created mainly using the shape tool and pathfinder. At the end of the logo, I added our discord channel's name "Say No More". Then, I played around with the gradient colour on the words. 

Figure 5.9: Arbitrary Symbol 1

Figure 5.10: Arbitrary Symbol 2

Figure 5.11: Arbitrary Symbol 3

Figure 5.12: Arbitrary Symbol 4

Figure 5.13: Arbitrary Symbol 5

After receiving comment from Miss Jinchi, I played with white background so that the word "Say No More" will be more visible.

Figure 5.14: Arbitrary Symbol 6

Figure 5.15: Arbitrary Symbol 7

Figure 5.16: Arbitrary Symbol 8

Figure 5.17: Arbitrary Symbol 9

Figure 5.18: Arbitrary Symbol 10

Yet, it doesn't work. Therefore, I increased the size of the word and added gradient onto it so that it could blend into the logo.

Figure 5.19: Arbitrary Symbol 11

Figure 5.20: Arbitrary Symbol 12

Figure 5.21: Arbitrary Symbol 13

Figure 5.22: Arbitrary Symbol 14

Figure 5.23: Arbitrary Symbol 15

I chose red colour logo (figure 5.23) as submission because it suits more with our team purpose. We are a group of teenagers passion about game and our playstyle in fps game is quite aggressive. Therefore, red suits us the most.

Word & Image

This (figure 5.14) is the photo I found from my gallery and wanted to work with. As this photo is looking right upwards, an idea about sky theme pops in my mind. Then, a phase that I always tell myself while working on anything came across to my mind - aim for the sky, if you failed, at least you reached the clouds. 

Figure 5.24: Original Photo of me

Figure 5.25: Word & Image Attempt 1

Figure 5.26: Word & Image Attempt 2

Figure 5.27: Word & Image Attempt 3

Figure 5.28: Word & Image Attempt 4

Figure 5.29: Word & Image Attempt 5

Figure 5.30: Word & Image Attempt 6



Figure 5.31: Arbitrary Symbol Final Submission

Word & Image

Figure 5.32: Word & Image Final Submission


For my Symbols design, Miss suggested that I could try to play with white background and see which outcome is better; as for my Word & Image, Miss also suggested me to create more space for the design as my theme is sky, and also play with the focal point.


To be honest, I am really struggling while thinking ideas for exercise 3. I spent days looking at design from Pinterest, yet I have no idea what to design.
