Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 1)

23/08/2021 (Week 1)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)


It was the first day of class for Digital Photography & Imaging and I had met with Mr. Fauzi, who will be my lecturer for this module. He briefed class on the Module Information Booklet. After that, we had our first lecture class explaining why we need to take this module. Then, Mr. Fauzi showed us the past student's work. I am really impressed with the work that my senior produced and I am really excited to see what work I can produce in upcoming weeks. I had already starting to generate ideas when Mr. Fauzi is explaining what we will be doing throughout the semester.


In tutorial class, Mr. Fauzi showed us his video about doing collage design. This collage design will require a good composition skill which we must acquire in order to produce a good work. We were asked to prepare some material so that we can do it on week 2.


1. Bezier Game

It was fun practicing my pen tool in this Bezier Game.

Figure 1.1: End result of Bezier Game

2. E-profolio

Figure 1.2: My E-portfolio Page

3. Register on Pinterest

Figure 1.3: My Pinterest Home Page

4. Exercise (3 favourite design)

Design 1:

Figure 1.4: Graphic Design by Boostingwriter

I like the selection of colour for this design. The colour is light and the space is big. It gives me a comfortable and relaxing feeling. Most importantly, the message can be understood easily.

Design 2:

Figure 1.5: Graphic Design by Design Your Way

This magazine design gave me a feeling of ice and fire. The most attractive part is the overlay of the person that is done so nicely.

Design 3:

Figure 1.6: Graphic Design by Digital Artisanal

I like how the clipping mask of the human face and the forest is done.


Mr. Fauzi: 

That's a good start. Good job Li Wei.
I like the way you reflect your learning process in your blog. Keep it up!
