Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 9)

18/10/2021 (Week 9)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)
Project 2B: Poster Design


(No lecture for Week 8 due to Independent Learning Week)

Realism vs Surrealism

  • Realism
    • Takes subject matters of the ordinary and common world which we call "reality." It almost always takes a non-exotic and non-extraordinary subject matter and theme. There is no need to think outside of the box, as that is not "real"
Figure 9.1: Realism

  • Surrealism
    • A twist on Realism. It explores the subconscious mind, with subject matters concentrating on dream-images and often aims to distort the ordinary and what we call reality
    • Surrealism defies logic. Dreams and the workings of the subconscious mind inspire surrealistic art (French for "super-realism") filled with strange images and bizarre juxtapositions.
    • Fueled by the teachings of Freud and the rebellious work of Dada artists, surrealists like Salvador Dalí promoted free association and dream imagery. 
    • Dadaism - An anti war art movement with art works that is  satirical and nonsensical in nature.
    • Salvador Dalí was a Spanish Surrealist painter and printmaker known for exploring subconscious imagery.
Figure 9.2: Surrealism

  • Digital Surrealism
    • Surrealism is a cultural movement focused on type of arts to express about the artist’s idea themselves.
    • In this digital era surrealism is one of the top digital art styles.
Figure 9.3: Digital Surrealism

  • How to start creating Surrealism artworks?
Figure 9.4: Dream-like scenes and symbolic images

Figure 9.5: Unexpected, illogical juxtapositions

Figure 9.6: Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects

Figure 9.7: Primitive or child-like designs

  • Capturing Your Dream
    1. Sketch It Out
      Take a piece of paper and pen/pencil or a tablet and start to sketch. Draw your vision out roughly. Don't finesse any details yet, but just lay out key points of your vision.
    2. Find Reference Images
      Gathering reference images will help you greatly in realizing your new idea. Gather images that directly relate to what you have in mind. 
  • Mindset During Creation
    1. "Does this look real?"
      Surrealism is at its best when it's convincing enough that it could be real, however we obviously know that the subject matter you are creating is nonexistent, thus is not real.

    2. Make it happen to the best of your ability.
      When you try to approach something challenging, you will learn the skills you may need for next time to make it work. The worst thing you can do is be afraid and back off from your idea, because you would never learn that way. 


In this week's tutorial, Mr. Fauzi showed us a video on "how to create loop animation for Instagram Stories". Then, he further explain in details on it.


We did not have any exercise on this week but we will be finalising our work for Project 2B. Therefore, I will use Week 9's blog to explain the whole process of my Project 2B: Poster Design.

I started my design by having 2 sketches on the layout of the title, slogan, call for action & image.

Figure 9.8: Sketches 1

Figure 9.9: Sketches 2

After having the sketches, I found that I prefer Sketches 1 (figure 9.8), therefore I decided to draft my digital poster following the layout in Sketches 1. 

Figure 9.10: Draft 1

Figure 9.11: Draft 2

After showing my work to Mr. Fauzi, he suggested me to play around with the font and find a more suitable one for the poster. Therefore, I worked on it and finalized my work.

Figure 9.12: Project 2B - Poster Design Final Work


It's better to put on a slight texture on the whole image instead of on the background itself so that the image of myself will blend in better.
