Typography Final Compilation & Reflection

8/6/2021 - 22/6/2021 (Week 11 - Week 12)
Liew Li Wei 0338076
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Typography (Minor)
Final Compilation & Reflection


Task 1 : Exercises

Task 2 : Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)

Task 3A : Type Design and Communication (Font Design)

Task 3B : Type Design and Communication (Sticker Design)


Typography Task 1:


30/03/2021 - 27/04/2021 (Week 1 - Week 5)

Figure 1.0: Type Expression Final JPEG

Figure 1.1: Type Expression Final PDF

Figure 1.2: Type Expression Animation GIF

Figure 1.3: Text Formatting Final JPEG

Figure 1.4: Text Formatting Final PDF

Typography Task 2

Typographic Exploration & Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)

4/5/2021 - 11/5/2021 (Week 6 - Week 7)

Figure 2.0: Task 2 Final JPEG

Figure 2.1: Task 2 Final PDF

Typography Task 3A

Type Design and Communication (Font Design)

18/5/2021 - 1/6/2021 (Week 8 - Week 10)

Figure 3.0: Font Design Sketches

Figure 3.1: Font Design Final JPEG

Figure 3.2: Font Design Final JPEG

Figure 3.3: Font Design Poster JPEG

Figure 3.4: Font Design Poster PDF

Typography Task 3B

Type Design and Communication (StickerDesign)

8/6/2021 - 22/6/2021 (Week 11 - Week 12)

Figure 4.0: Sticker Design Final Black & White PNG

Figure 4.1: Sticker Design Final Coloured PNG

Figure 4.2: Sticker Design Final Coloured PDF



I like to learn things about design, therefore I had chosen Creative Media Design as my minor. I started this module from week 5 due to some personal issue, therefore I had to pay double the effort of others to catch up with the class as I had missed a lot. Despite the challenge of joining late, I manage to catch up with the class. Throughout this whole semester of Typography module, I learnt a lot about the basics of designing, yet it's the most essential one. I never expect that typography can be dissected into so minor details. I am really impressed and glad that I chose this module as I really learnt a lot about designing font, layout, spacing, etc. I will never had learnt this from other module. Although sometimes, I really struggle to get the good design but through exploring on the internet, repeating trial and error multiple times, eventually I will came to the design that I feel it's good.


The way Mr. Vinod and Encik Shamsul taught were unique and different from other lecturers. Instead of point out your mistake, sir will slowly guide us and let us explore ourselves so that we will be able to learn to differentiate the good design and the bad design. I had to be honest, throughout the whole semester, I realized only by exploring yourself and never stop repeating trial and error, you will get to learn more compare to a lecturer pointing out everything. Sir's way of teaching had given us opportunity to grow our sense of design so that in the future, without anyone's help, we will still be able to produce and differentiate good and bad design.


Despite all the difficulties I faced in this semester for this module, I noticed that now, I am more sensitive to font, word spacing, readability, etc. All these are developed in me with just 14 weeks of Typography. I can be sure that Mr. Vinod and Encik Shamsul had successfully inserted all the knowledge I need to know about Typography and taught me how to applied on all the designs. I really appreciate that I met this 2 lecturer, although sometimes I am afraid that my design got rejected and I will be lost, yet "what doesn't kill you make you stronger", all these fear is what kept me advancing to achieve better sense of design.
