Typography Task 3B - Type Design and Communication (Sticker Design)

8/6/2021 - 22/6/2021 (Week 11 - Week 12)
Liew Li Wei 0338076
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Typography (Minor)
Task 3B - Type Design and Communication (Sticker Design)


(all lectures videos are watched from week 1-6)

Week 1-5:


Week 6:



<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZzHul3iOSlaX8cGeRlwR4be6neCvEoFW/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Week 10

Figure 1: Task 3B Attempt 1

Week 11

Figure 2: Task 3B Attempt 2

Figure 3: Task 3B Attempt 3

Week 12

Figure 4: Task 3B Final Outcome (Black & White)

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H1sWZrl8IOTSdyMQm9Aw27B6HRDw1CSj/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Figure 5: Task 3B Final Outcome (Colour)

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HWdyTheXQUVGIXRUbXZlunCOQQk0rM8d/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


Week 11:

General Feedback:
Mr. Vinod suggested us to reduce the counterspace of our design so that our design can be enlarged as much as possible within the artboard.

Specific Feedback:
The idea for my design is clear, but some minor changes will still be needed, then I can start putting a background and color on it.

Week 12:

General Feedback:
Whatever we learnt this semester is applicable to other modules, the knowledge we learnt will permanently lies within our brain. All we have to do is experiment more and apply it to our future design, soon we will achieve maturity in our design.

Specific Feedback:
Add some party elements so that it won't look empty outside the sticker.


Week 11:

I am glad enough to have my design acknowledged by sir this time.

The idea of the design must always be clear, simple and straightforward.

The more design you see and do research on, the more you will learn to improve your art sense.

Week 12:

I am surprised that the process of creating a Telegram sticker is not that difficult.

I need to start my design from black and white so that when I am designing the font and expression, I won't be affected by the colours.

Font expression must always be clearer and heavier than the colour and graphical elements.

