Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 6)

27/09/2021 (Week 6)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)
Project 2A: 
Digital Imaging Exercise 2 - Part 1


Poster Design Execution

  • What is the meaning of Public Service Announcement?
    • A public service announcement (PSA) is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge, with the objective of raising awareness of, and changing public attitudes and behavior towards, a social issue.

  • Once you’ve narrowed down your scope, you can start to do:
    1. Research about your topic
      • Study and gather all related information about your topic.
      • Write a summary about your topic
      • Highlight the key points of your summary
      • Define the Title
      • Define the Slogan
      • Define the Details
      • Define the Call For Action 

    2. Define your concept
        • Create a section for each contents (Title, Slogan, Details & Call for Action) 
          • Sketch your mock up poster
            • Fill in with details
            • Decide on Idea, and approach:
              • How the designer EVOKES viewer’s feeling, deliver strong impression?
                - Humor -- Sarcastic
                - Sensitive -- Heart warming
                - Artistic -- Subtle
          1. Start to develop your design projects 
            • Visualize your idea & concept into sketches.
            • Draft the digital poster based on your sketch 
            • Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design.
            • Apply color, typography, textures & effects
            • Finalize your design with color correction
        • Most mental Health PSA posters take gentle approach because target audiences are vulnerable.


        In this week, we will turn a black and white photo into a colour photo following the video provided by Mr. Martin. Other than that, we will work on our Project 2B by doing 2 sketches on our idea.


        Figure 6.1: Original Black & White Photo

        Figure 6.2: After Recolouring (Final Submission)


        Mr. Fauzi told me that I have a clear direction for my Project 2B, I'm okay to move on with my idea.
