Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 3)

6/09/2021 (Week 3)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)
Project 1B: 
Collage Exercise 2 - Digital


Introduction to Photoshop:

We were briefed on the basic layout and things that it's essential for us to know, which is the selection, layering, toolbox & marquee selection tools. Then, we move into more details of the tools that we will use the most throughout this module.
  • Lasso Tool
    • allow you to draw and pinpoint specific areas of a document. 
    • is great to use with a graphic tablet because it is similar to a pencil.
    • unlike a mouse or trackpad, a graphic tablet can give a better flow when drawing and making selections.

  • Pen Tool
    • when it comes to actually creating a path from scratch, the pen tool is the most common option.
    • is the way that you add these points and the way you drag the tool as you create the points determines how they will look.
    • the fewer points, the smoother a path will be.

  • Layering
    • are different images stacked on top of each other.
    • can use each layer without affecting another one to make adjustments.
    • together they form one final image.
    • can use layers for non-destructive editing. 
    • your adjustments in Photoshop will never destroy the original image.


In tutorial class, Mr. Fauzi showed us what we will be doing for today's practical class. He will send us a google drive folder with all the images we need inside. Then, we will have to cut out the photos inside using the tool we were taught today and create 3 different composition of digital collage using our own creativity. In tutorial class, he demonstrated us the ways to import our files, use the tools and manage our layers.


Composition #1

Figure 3.1: The Good Old Days

Composition #2

Figure 3.2: Unbreakable Bond

Composition #3

Figure 3.3: Evolution

Final Submission

Figure 3.4: Evolution (Final Submission)


Mr. Fauzi:

COMPOSITION #3 is the best! Good job Li Wei.
But I need you to remove the Rule of Thirds and Golden Ratio template for this submission. Once you've done, just resubmit it again. Thanks!
