Digital Photography & Imaging (Week 2)

30/08/2021 (Week 2)

Liew Li Wei 0338076

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Digital Photography & Imaging (Minor)
Project 1A: 
Collage Exercise 1 - Physical


  • Introduction to basic composition:

    • Focal Point
      A key element to any good composition is a strong focal point, as it helps your viewers’ eyes naturally settle on the important pieces of your design first.

      Figure 1.1: "Focal Point" Example

    • Scale & Hierarchy
      Scale is often used to help communicate hierarchy by drawing attention toward and away from certain elements, thus signifying their importance to the communication.

      Figure 1.2: "Scale & Hierarchy" Example

    • Balance the Elements
      A good technique for mastering asymmetrical balance is to think of each element as having a ‘weight’ to it. Smaller objects might ‘weigh’ less than larger objects, and heavily textured elements might ‘weigh’ more than flatly colored elements.

      Figure 1.3: "Balance the Elements" Example 3

    • White Space
      White space is mostly known as “empty space” to balance up the main focus of a composition. White space when used strategically can help boost your design’s clarity and overall look by balancing out the more complicated and busy parts of your composition with space that helps your design to breathe.

      Figure 1.4: "White Space" Example

  • Rule of Thirds:

    • Process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines. This imaginary grid yields nine parts with four intersection points.

      Figure 2.1: "Rule of Thirds" Explanation

    • Position the most important elements of your image at these intersection points, you produce a much more natural image.

      Figure 2.2: "Rule of Thirds" Example

    • The Rule of Thirds is a way to use composition techniques that are in line with what’s naturally pleasing to the eye, creatively use negative space and create conversation between the subject and background.

      Figure 2.3: "Rule of Thirds" Example 3

  • Golden Ratio:

    • The Golden Ratio is a mathematical ratio. It is commonly found in nature, and when used in a design, it fosters organic and natural-looking compositions that are aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

      Figure 3.1: "Golden Ratio" Explaination

    • In design, the Golden Ratio boils down to aesthetics — creating and appreciating a sense of beauty through harmony and proportion. When applied to design, the Golden Ratio provides a sense of artistry.

      Figure 3.2: "Golden Ratio" Example 1

    • The Golden Ratio is a useful guideline for determining dimensions of the layout. One very simple way to apply the Golden Ratio is to set your dimensions to 1:1.618

      Figure 3.3: "Golden Ratio" Example 2

  • Composition Framing & Cropping


In tutorial class, Mr. Fauzi showed us the video tutorial of collage that he made so that we have basic understanding what collage design is. Then, we are asked to generate ideas for our collage, prepare materials and do 3 design so that Mr. Fauzi can pick the best one for us.


For this practical, we will be cutting out stuff we need from old magazine, newspaper, brochure, flyers, etc. We will then create 3 pre-composition.


Figure 4.1: Design 1 (2/9/2021)

Design 1 (Love at First Sight)
I am trying to apply the focal point that Mr. Fauzi taught into this design. The focal point will be the girl in the photo. As the boy looks at the girl, it will draw the viewer's attention to the girl. The story behind this design is that a boy fell in love with a girl and he wanted to see her 24/7. I put in flowers beside the girl as flowers represent beauty. For the boy, I didn't put much beside him so that the boy looked pure and innocent, just like every boy that falls for a girl at first sight. This design is simple, just like the pure of love.


Figure 4.2: Design 2 (2/9/2021)

Design 2 (Memories of My Grandpa)
In this design, I tried to use the Golden Ratio. This draws the viewer's attention to focus on the boy. The story behind this design is that a boy is recalling back the good old memories of his beloved grandpa. He misses his grandpa and he believes his grandpa is always looking after him on the other side of the world. I had put in the flower elements to express that the memories the boy had on his grandpa are in a good way. 


Figure 4.3: Design 3 (2/9/2021)

Design 3 (The Sunshine Girl)
In this design, I am applying the Rule of Third. I put the girl more on the left side so that she will be positioned on the left vertical intersection point. This will naturally be pleasing to the viewer's eyes. The story behind this design is that whenever the girls walk, there will be flowers around her. The path she took will always leave flowers behind. She will always light up everywhere she goes as she's always a sunshine girl. I believe everyone will have a sunshine girl in their mind, and she will be the one we loved the most. 

Final Submission

Figure 4.4: Final Design


Mr. Fauzi:

I'm glad that you're catching up Li Wei. I like the composition #1.
It just I think it's not nice to stand on top of that pineapple tart :p 
Probably you can make that guy stand on something else?
