Typography Task 3A - Type Design and Communication (Font Design)

18/5/2021 - 1/6/2021 (Week 8 - Week 10)
Liew Li Wei 0338076
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Digital Media Production
Typography (Minor)
Task 3A - Type Design and Communication (Font Design)


(all lectures videos are watched from week 1-6)

Week 1-5:


Week 6:



<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZzHul3iOSlaX8cGeRlwR4be6neCvEoFW/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>

Week 8

Figure 1: Sketches 1 for Task 3A

Figure 2: Sketches 2 for Task 3A

Week 9

Figure 3:Reference (Acumin Variable Concept-Regular)

Figure 4: Digitized Work First Attempt

Week 10

Figure 5: Digitized Work Final Outcome

Figure 6: Digitized Work with Baseline

Figure 7: Inserting Glyph to Fontlab

Figure 8: Kerning in Fontlab

Figure 9: Generated Font

Figure 10: Task 3A Poster Final Outcome

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ar14g_hbJHMpbmNpQKY-Df_Q4NU8wXcJ/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


Week 8:

(independent learning week)

Week 9:

General Feedback:
Font should be digitalized, consistency of font must be maintained, avoid following the reference as reference is just for you to study.

Specific Feedback:
The font has no consistency and the stroke is too thin, other than that, it's quite an interesting font.

Week 10:

General Feedback:
We need to finalize and export the font to Fontlab and proceed to our poster design for our font.

Specific Feedback:
The below part of stroke for the letter "e, y & g" must have consistency too.


Week 8:

(independent learning week)

Week 9:

I am exposed to a lot of font design designed by my classmates and I am really impressed. Then, Mr. Vinod showed us the ways of creating font with AI.

A lot of research need to be done before you actually digitalized your font.

While creating a font, a lot of minor details must be focused as all these minor details will decide whether your font's consistency and readability.

Week 10:

My Task 3A is commented by Mr. Vinod and minor changes are needed for letter "e, y & g".

I must pay attention to what Mr. Vinod and Encik Shamsul when they are commenting on other people's work as I can learn through their mistakes too.

A good font doesn't have to be too decorative, as long as the consistency and readability are achieved, it will become a good font.


The Anatomy of Type (The Geometry of Type in the UK) is all about looking more closely at letters. Through visual diagrams and practical descriptions, I had learned how to distinguish between related typefaces and see how the attributes of letterforms (such as contrast, detail, and proportion) affect the mood, readability, and use of each typeface.
